Architect Ted Tschumy logo with address
William E Tshcumy Jr Architect

William E. Tschumy Jr., AIA

I am a native-born Miamian and second generation architect. As a boy I accompanied my father to many of his project construction sites and decided at an early age that I too wanted to be an architect. I worked in my father’s office summers during public school and while attending architectural school and, after receiving my architectural degree and serving two years as an army construction platoon leader in Germany, i returned to Miami, married my artist sweetheart Freda Coffing and opened my own office in coral gables in 1971.

For over forty years it has been my great pleasure to assist many private, corporate and governmental clients achieve their architectural projects.

I have kept my office purposefully small throughout the years because i want to and am hands-on involved in every project from beginning through completion.

I have had many repeat clients.

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